We will select one PhD student and one to two early-career scientists to present their work in a special Epstein Memorial Session, in honor of Professor Emanuel Epstein.

Outstanding PhD students (in the final stage of their PhD) and early-career scientists (within five years of completing their PhD) are warmly encouraged to apply for this prestigious recognition.

To be considered, candidates should submit the following documents by April 15, 2025, directly to Miroslav Nikolić at mnikolic@imsi.bg.ac.rs (subject: Epstein Award):

  • An abstract formatted according to the Conference guidelines
  • A CV, including a list of five key peer-reviewed publications, with a focus on recent contributions to breakthrough silicon research
  • A reference letter from the candidate’s supervisor, highlighting their excellence

The selection committee, composed of distinguished members of the Scientific Committee and Miroslav Nikolić, will evaluate applicants based on their publication record in high-impact scientific journals and the overall excellence of their research.

The selected candidates will receive a plaque in recognition of their achievement and will be awarded free registration to attend ICSA 2025 in Belgrade.